If you're in the Consumers area and you haven't checked these out yet, you should! For the last few months they have been providing customers with some great comparison and analysis info on their usage, to help you save money and lower your carbon footprint.
It's also great motivation to see:
That's right Consumers says we used 63% less energy than the average home and %12 less than the most energy-efficient homes within a mile radius. BOOSH!
And there's also a tool that lets us see that we saved over $100 compared to our bill last November.
There's even a tool that lets you compare average temperatures, so you can calculate heating/cooling degrees into your comparison.
Of course, it also says we're down from %15 less the previous month, which is really the point. Having a month-by-month comparison helps you set goals and plan to achieve them, and having a comparison to others helps you understand what goals are achievable.
Anyway, if you haven't checked it out, log in online and look for:
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