Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring 2014...

Well... it's been a busy Spring. To see what's been going on in our garden, you can check out our flickr account here:

After taking a position as a Program Manager for the Douglas Market at Fair Food Matters, I've been immersed even deeper into the problems of our unsustainable and inequitable food system.

I'm learning more and more about what terrific people our farmers are and how hard it is to make a living doing their good work. I've been busy talking to folks about how the Douglass Market could play a role in making that a little bit easier for a few of them while at the same time providing access to food in a food desert and promoting food sovereignty for the Northside Neighborhood and surrounding communities.

Meanwhile, the garden moves along without me....

Many of our plantings at this point came back in the spring and provided great meals as soon as the snow melted.

At this point, there's enough biomass being produced to fight back the grass with a quick "chop and drop" spot mulching. A quick "cut" of some of our large plants produces lots of mulch to smother weeds and protect our plants.

What a great, busy Spring it's been.